Syndeia and Jama

January 16, 2018

Intercax introduced the Syndeia interface for Jama Software in May, 2017 and described it in multiple formats, including a blog post and white paper and a webinar. What has been missing is a concise overview to introduce new potential users to the interface features and use cases. We have added an 8-minute video as a resource for those seeking a first look.

The goal of Model-Based Engineering is to let each engineering software tool do what it does best, but keep the system information consistent across those tools. The new video explains how this works for Jama and two popular SysML modeling tools, MagicDraw and Rhapsody. A range of use cases are explored:

  • Reference connections that let the user find and open the latest version of a Jama requirement from a SysML block or activity
  • Model transform connections that allow a full hierarchy of requirements, including attributes, to be transferred from Jama to SysML
  • Comparison and harmonization of linked requirements models between tools

The new video describes the current commercial release, Syndeia 3.1, but stay alert for the announcement of Syndeia 3.2. Several new features enhance the Syndeia Jama interface, including

  • Transformation of Jama trace relationships to the SysML model
  • User-customized mappings between Jama and SysML element types

Even more important are new options for Jama users that have not adopted SysML as part of their engineering process. These users will have the ability to create connections from Jama to PLM, project management, and other models without SysML as an intermediary.  More of Syndeia’s functionality will reside in the cloud as a true enterprise application, following a similar path to other leading edge MBSE adopters. Contact us at to learn more.

Dirk Zwemer

Dr. Dirk Zwemer ( is President of Intercax LLC (Atlanta, GA), a supplier of MBE engineering software platforms like Syndeia and ParaMagic. He is an active teacher and consultant in the field and holds Level 4 Model Builder-Advanced certification as an OMG System Modeling Professional.